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Michael Moore, staying true to his propaganda film format, relentlessly attacks America's capitalist economy with claims of alleged financial inequality. Conservative star James Stewart refused to star in it for that reason. It was released during the 1972 election year as a smear campaign against Richard Nixon and his conservative colleagues. This "comedy" fails to be a political satire as it fails to lampoon both sides of the coin and supports George McGovern at every turn.

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Ronald Reagan is falsely portrayed as indifferent toward apartheid in South Africa Nancy Reagan is played by anti-American traitor Jane Fonda, and staunch feminist Oprah Winfrey plays Cecil's wife. The dystopian thriller features Red State dwellers (depicted as racist) declaring war on Hipster Brooklyn. This radically anti- Vietnam War biographical film was produced and directed by Communist sympathizer and twice wounded Vietnam War veteran Oliver Stone, starring Tom Cruise as paralyzed Vietnam War vet-turned-anti-Vietnam War leftist protester and Communist sympathizer Ron Kovic. He makes matters worse when he harasses Mike Pence and Rudy Giuliani, and falsely portrays them as pedophiles. He tries to blame COVID-19 on Donald Trump, and falsely accuses him of being a fascist. Sacha Baron Cohen goes a step further making a pro-Biden propaganda film. Liberal shock jock Sacha Baron Cohen falsely portrays American conservatives as uneducated racists. This anti-conservative propaganda piece, directed by leftist Tim Robbins and released during the 1992 election, has a similar premise to that of The Candidate and denigrates conservatives. What looks like a romantic comedy actually encourages the false idea that liberalism must be established and conservatism abolished in America, as the main character follows up on his absurd vow to move to Canada if George W. It was the first ever film to be shown at the White House under Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, and it significantly influenced his already-racist core to segregate the White House and various departments. This infamously racist film, the longest feature ever made at the time, begins by documenting the American Civil War, then depicts the Ku Klux Klan as "heroes" who vanquish people of color, who are black racial stereotypes, from political positions and from their lawful right to vote (the KKK was founded by the Democrat Party, even though the Left has repeatedly tried denying the connection between the two). So it was also favorable toward illegal immigration. In the end, one of the coaches, who was a sheriff in Texas, was able to get the player and his illegal mother a way to stay.

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The movie had one of the characters blame "Reaganomics" for the lack of job opportunities in the town and also one of the team's players was an anchor baby. When mutinying, the sailors murder a Christian chaplain aboard, which is shown as an act of "heroism". This silent Communist film heralds the Soviet Revolt on the Tsarist Russian battleship Potemkin. This overindulgent, anti-war diatribe portrays the American military as corrupt, incompetent drug-users. Boll has said how "We need to ****ing kill the rich", which only shows how uneducated he is. The film plays out like an angry middle school boy's fan fiction revenge story, in which all the bankers are summarily executed (as in the Russian Revolution).

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Uwe Boll (often referred to as the worst director of this generation and known for his furious, vulgar, and spiteful responses to negative reception) makes one of the most historically inaccurate modern films that blames capitalism for the Great Recession and the downfall of the everyday man's life. Liberals seized the opportunity with the film to distort history in order to hold Johnson in high regard and also ignored many of the President's faults, including his racism, the War on Poverty and how it created a welfare state which, by design, destroyed untold numbers of African American families.

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Johnson is a good example of a historical revisionist film, palatable for liberals' regressive dominion of the media. The 2016 HBO film based on the presidency of Democrat Lyndon B. The second film, Aliens, is an anti-Vietnam statement and, just like its predecessor, copies another previous feature (in this case, the 1954 film Them! ). The first film was proven to be alarmingly similar to the 1965 film Planet of the Vampires, but since it fitted the left's agenda, they didn't care and gave it biased reviews anyway. This pro-feminist, anti-capitalist film franchise was originated by atheist Ridley Scott. The military consists of evil aliens in what was overall a failed franchise that couldn't get on the recent young adult book-to-film bandwagon.

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